This week with topics from mobile-development, javascript, HTML5 and quantum-physics ..
Keeping a Design Log
Ever wondered why it’s hard for you to argue design decisions? Ever said “We should not go for that, we had some problems in past projects, but I have no clue what project or problem that was” in a meeting. Ever made the same design failure twice? I do, or more precise I did but I quit!
Some time ago I was really annoyed of not being able to argue a design decision, and I’ve no clue what decision that was, with real arguments but with the words “We just should not do that!”. So I started by design/architecture log in which I’m recording as a retrospective design decisions with their consequences and context.
Interesting Thingys #10
Interesting Thingys is a gazette in the blog that summarizes a week of blog articles, links, specifications, demos, news or more general “thingys” that we stumble upon in our journey through the world wide web.
- How a web application can download and store over 2GB without you even knowing it
- Maintaining CSS Style States using “Infinite” Transition Delays
- ASP.NET MVC now OpenSource - .. hosted on CodePlex with GIT support.
- Hammer.js - A javascript library for multi-touch gestures
- How to write low garbage real-time Javascript - A great article describing the pitfalls of the JavaScript garbage collector, when doing game development.
- Fibers and Threads in node.js – what for? - describes the benefits and shortcommings of using fibers and threads within node.js
Interesting Thingys #9
- Strobe Tuner - a FFT/Pitch Detection demo using HTML5 Audio/webGL.
- Javascript Resources - .. every javascript developer should know.
- jquery scroll path - a jquery plugin to manipulate the scroll path.
- wysihtml5 - wysiwyg meets twitter bootstrap.
- Impressionist - a visual editor for impress.js
Interesting Thingys #8
Interesting Thingys is a gazette in the blog that summarizes a week of blog articles, links, specifications, demos, news or more general “thingys” that we stumble upon in our journey through the world wide web.
Mobile Development
- Sencha Touch - a HTML5 Mobile Application Framework, version 2.0 released.
- Replacing the -9999px hack (aka new image replacement)
- CSS4 (!) Selectors
- CSS 4 Selectors - the non shortened version
Configure WebStorm to Run and Debug Mocha Tests
First of all I have to admit that I’m an IDE guy. I’m using command line tools, Vi , have gnu tools installed on my Windows box and so on. That brings me to the next thing I have to admit: I’m using Windows.
I love using WebStorm for tinkering with Node.js. I love WebStorm for two reasons:
- The JavaScript syntax completion is somehow crazy clever
- It allows me to stick with my Eclipse keyboard schema
Interesting Thingys #7
Interesting Thingys is a gazette in the blog that summarizes a week of blog articles, links, specifications, demos, news or more general “thingys” that we stumble upon in our journey through the world wide web.
- presentation frameworks - using javascript + css3
- web-worker in HTML5 - Old but still worthy to read:
- scale to mobile browser - Short description of “viewport” meta tag und how mobile-browser scale
Interesting Thingys #6
Interesting Thingys is a gazette in the blog that summarizes a week of blog articles, links, specifications, demos, news or more general “thingys” that we stumble upon in our journey through the world wide web.
- - Explore html5 features (categories: supported by browsers, use with caution, fallbacks, polyfills, …)
- boilerstrap - Template for HTML5Boilerplate and Twitters Bootstrap CSS (+modernizr, js compression, coffeescript support, sass, less)… Plus rake-tasks.
- hype - Interesting editor (GUI) for HTML5/CSS3 Keyframe animations & animated content… (sorry: mac only)
- Shinydemos - New html5 showcase by opera.
MSSql to MySql Migration With a Little Help of Rails and PHP
The problem
You want to migrate a MSSql database to MySql. You have rather large schema and don’t want to do it by hand.
Interesting Thingys #5
Interesting Thingys is a gazette in the blog that summarizes a week of blog articles, links, specifications, demos, news or more general “thingys” that we stumble upon in our journey through the world wide web.
- HTML5Rocks - Updated website of “HTML5Rocks” with a bunch of useful information!
- Interview Question for Frontend Developers
- CSS without HTML - How to build a website without HTML.