Yield the dog was created by Michael, Thomas and Christoph to give us a platform to blog about interesting small and big stuff we see in our daily work that we wanted to communicate to the world. And as a side effect we wanted to get rich, famous and super sexy like this or that guy. While getting rich with an ad free blog could get a little tricky we try to focus on famous and super sexy!
The name “yield the dog” was born/invented after a couple of beers by combining our most beloved computer language keyword yield and a part of our current employers name, the diamond:dogs group. If all things in life were that simple…
About Christoph
Christoph is a developer. His employee identity is working with C# and Java most of the time. But in the night hours Christoph leaves his comfort zone and transforms into a javascript language zombie. A strange form of work-life-balance decease. Beside that Christoph is interested in Agile Practices, Methodology, DDD, BDD, TDD, Architecture, Design, Open Source…
Christoph’s virtual web site is the cloud @saintedlama, github, coderwall, stackoverflow
About Michael
Michael likes to make things. Find him at notyce.net, @notyce, github, coderwall, stackoverflow and last.fm
About Thomas
Thomas is a developer specialized in JavaScript, Ruby, HTML, CSS and PHP. He is interested in Node.JS, NoSQL, Vim, Git, productivity improvements and clean coding practices. Currently experimenting with Clojure.
You can find him at @thomaspeklak, github, coderwall, stackoverflow, google+
This policy is valid from 15 March 2012
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