Again we have collected a fine collection of great thingys for you. Go check them out.
- Orchestrator My new pet project for last two weeks. Orchestrator can keep browser windows in sync by propagating scroll, location and interaction events to all connected browsers. Check out the video.
- JSDiff for Comparing Text JSDiff is an implementing of text comparison in Javascript, it is used in Mocha to implement colored diffs, and it’s fairly easy to use.
- prettymuchbryce/easystarjs easystar.js is an asynchronous A* pathfinding API written in Javascript for use in your HTML5 games and interactive projects. The goal of this project is to make it easy and fast to implement performance conscious pathfinding.
- videoconverter.js - Convert Videos In Your Web Browser FFMpeg in JavaScript
- Submitting AJAX Forms: The AngularJS Way ♥ Scotch Comparison between jquery and angular form submit
- ClojureScript Koans The ClojureScript koans walk you along the path of enlightenment to learning ClojureScript. You will explore the mysteries of the ClojureScript language through a series of interactive exercises in your web browser.
- addyosmani/grunt-uncss A grunt task for removing unused CSS from your project builds
- Making Forms Fabulous with HTML5 - HTML5 Rocks Overview of the current state of forms
Web Development
- task automation with npm run as an alternative to grunt
Mobile Webdevelopment
- DickvdBrink/jsHybugger Javascript Debugger for Android
- mcavage/node-fast Streaming JSON RPC over TCP
- visionmedia/node-ratelimiter Abstract rate limiter for nodejs
- jeresig/node-stream-playground Explore Node.js streams with an interactive playground.
- Node.js Stream Playground Learn how to use node.js streams
- feross/native-buffer-browserify The buffer module from node.js, but for browsers.
- sidorares/ni script to simplify node-inspector debugger workflow
- MatthewMueller/nom Dead simple site scrapper for Node.js
- StrongLoop | What’s New in Node.js v0.12: Cluster Round-Robin Load Balancing Node core committers Ben Noordhuis and Bert Belder have started a series looking at the new features slated for inclusion in v0.12 of Node.
- - European npm mirror Hi! I’m the European npm mirror. I’m based in Hetzner’s datacenter in Germany.
- codegangsta/martini Martini is a powerful package for quickly writing modular web applications/services in Golang.
- codegangsta/cli A small package for building command line apps in Go
- jinzhu/now Now is a time toolkit for golang
- Advanced JavaScript Debugging with console.table() An intro to console.table
- CascadiaJS Conference 2013 Lots of videos from the conference are online
- Chrome Dev Summit Live Stream (Day 1) - YouTube Archive of the live stream
- Continuous Delivery Ebook Free ebook!
- h5bp/server-configs-nginx nginx server config on github
- Languages :: hubReports The top languages on Github
Raspberry Pi
- Docker on Raspberry Pi in just 4 simple steps
Your link could be here
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