JavaScript is dominating again this issue, but there are other Interesting Thingys, too. Read on…
- airbnb/javascript AirBnB’s JavaScript Style Guide
- Little-known directives of Angular.js a nice collection of valuable directives
- What’s new in JSHint (October, 2013) and a lookout for v 2.3
- Perpetuating terrible JavaScript practices | Christian Heilmann the world is still a bad place
- wilsonpage/jquery-fastdom A jQuery plugin that wraps all DOM APIs with FastDom, preventing layout thrashing.
- ▶ Patrick Dubroy: Parsing, Compiling, and Static Metaprogramming – JSConf EU 2013 - YouTube Learn how to use compilers and parser generators to remove boilerplate, build DSLs, and generally do the impossible.
- Addepar | Ember Charts A beautiful and easily extensible chart suite built with D3.js and Ember.js
- AngularJS 1.2.0: timely-delivery | AngularJS finally released
- Build a Sweet AngularJS Photo Slider Pt 2 with ngTouch | One Hungry MindOne Hungry Mind nice tutorial
- High Performance Animations Modern browsers can animate four things really cheaply: position, scale, rotation and opacity. If you animate anything else, it’s at your own risk, and the chances are you’re not going to hit a silky smooth 60fps.
- pattle/simpsons-in-css Simpsons characters in pure CSS
Web Development
- w3c/webcomponents This is the repository in which W3C editor’s drafts of the Web Components specs are maintained.
Mobile Development
- AeroGear - Open Source Libraries for Mobile Connectivity Mobile Connectivity Framework
- visionmedia/node-actorify Turn any node.js duplex stream into an actor
- dominictarr/readme Retrieve a node module’s readme from the command line, and pipe it into less.
- Bloom Filters by Example A Bloom filter is a data structure designed to tell you, rapidly and memory-efficiently, whether an element is present in a set.
- paterson/phosphorus Phosphorus is a key store system based on redis
- Orion Cloud based IDE
- DanMcInerney/ Capture and inject traffic on LAN
- progrium/dokku Docker powered mini-Heroku in around 100 lines of Bash
- Enterprise Integration Using REST Some insights of enterprise rest going beyond todo list REST examples
- Watch 15 Awesome MS-DOS Viruses in Action | Wired Design | the good old days
- Messaging as a… by Ralf Westphal [Leanpub PDF/iPad/Kindle] Mainstream object-oriented programming (OOP) is lacking an essential aspect of the original definition. Messaging simply hasn’t made it into the minds of developers. So this little book is trying to help put messaging back into the OOP picture. You’ll see: Doing “OOP as if you meant it” isn’t that hard. It helps writing cleaner coder and tackling legacy code.
.NET security
- Introduction to Claims based security in .NET4.5 with C# Part 1: the absolute basics | Exercises in .NET Claims based security in .NET - well described
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