We have collected lots of great thingys over the last two weeks. Go check them out…
- jimhigson/oboe.js A fresh approach to AJAX that speeds up web applications. Progressive JSON parser with an easy interface so you can use the objects before the http response completes.
- The Definitive Guide to Angular on Mobile | ng-newsletter What to know when going mobile with AngularJS, including section on Cordova
- adobe-webplatform/Snap.svg The JavaScript library for modern SVG graphics. http://snapsvg.io
- btford/angular-modal Simple AngularJS service for creating modals
- Streams API The Streams API Working Draft is out
- retire.js Retire.js - identify JavaScript libraries with known vulnerabilities in your application
- Riot.js — The 1kb client-side MVP framework Riot.js is a client-side Model-View-Presenter (MVP) framework that weighs less than 1kb.
- ben-ng/minifyify Minify your browserify bundle without losing the sourcemap
- mark-rolich/Magnifier.js Javascript library enabling magnifying glass effect on an images
- Make Your Own AngularJS, Part 1: Scopes And Digest This is a series that tries to teach you Angular by showing you how it is built from the ground up
- Avoiding Unnecessary Paints: Animated GIF Edition This article looks at why animated GIFs can cause unnecessary paints to occur, and the remarkably simple fix you can apply.
- Toggle Navigation With Pure CSS – TNG - The Nitty Gritty This navigation makes use of the so called “Checkbox Hack”.
- An interactive video intro to flexbox nice intro to flex box
- Killer Responsive Layouts With CSS Regions | Smashing Coding Nice introduction to CSS Regions
Web Development
- Animated Checkboxes and Radio Buttons with SVG Proof-of-concept for adding some fancy “check” animations to form inputs
- Preliminary meta viewport research - QuirksBlog Nice Article from Peter-Paul Koch about the vieport Metatag.
- What you need to know about Angular SEO | ng-newsletter Search engines, such as Google and Bing are engineered to crawl static web pages, not javascript-heavy, client-side apps. This is typical of a search engine which does not render javascript when the search bot is crawling over web pages.
- DanWahlin/AngularOverlay AngularJS directive used to automatically intercept XHR requests and show an overlay and message in a web page.
- Raw The missing link between spreadsheets and vector graphics.
- HTML5 ADMIN HTML5 Admin Template using Bootstrap 3
- Firebug Tips See a summary of short tips concerning specific Firebug features that do not get such attention they might deserve.
- Heroku WebSocket Performance A test of Heroku’s new websocket support
- whatwg/streams The streams API provides an interface for creating, composing, and consuming streams of data. These streams are designed to map efficiently to low-level I/O primitives, and allow easy composition with built-in backpressure and buffering.
- Changes for WebView-based Android Apps WebView-based Android apps may experience some touch-related issues in migrating to KitKat .
- thematic mapping blog: Showing GPS tracks in 3D with three.js and d3.js show GPS in a 2D space is getting boring, let’s add a dimension
- Creating Non-Rectangular Layouts with CSS Shapes nice demonstration on what you can do with shapes
- Static Showdown: Hackathon for Static Web Apps The Static Showdown is a worldwide 48 hour hackathon featuring static web apps.
- DoS Vulnerability (fixed in Node v0.8.26 and v0.10.21) Upgrade, if you haven’t
Objective C
- chendo/FuzzyAutocompletePlugin A Xcode 5 plugin that adds more flexible autocompletion rather than just prefix-matching.
- quarnster/lime Experimental Sublime Text clone
- influxdb/influxdb Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics
- stephenjudkins/pureimage puts the “fun” in “functional raster image processing”
- Internet Explorer 11: WebGL and more - Scirra.com A walkthrough of the new and shiny IE11
- Git Commit Impersonation | PEMPEK.NET The difficulties of committing from a shared account solved by using aliases
- Hidden Productivity Secrets With Alfred | Smashing Coding Good developers are always looking for ways to be faster and to automate their workflows.
- ▶ GZIP is not enough! - YouTube What else can you do?
- ▶ Rendering Without Lumps - YouTube At O’Reilly’s Velocity conference, Google’s Jake Archibald had a look at how to achieve fast rendering and smooth animation in the browser.
- PredictionIO/PredictionIO PredictionIO, a machine learning server for software developers and data engineers.
- sweetmandm/FontAwesomeTools-iOS Easily use FontAwesome icons in your iOS projects
- bigfish/vim-js-context-coloring JavaScript Context Coloring in Vim. Like Crockford suggested
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If we missed something special or you just want to promote a site, give us a nudge @ yieldthedog@gmail.com