Don’t miss Vyacheslav Egorov’s talk @ lxjs, very entertaining.
- Preventing ‘layout thrashing’ | Wilson Page Layout Thrashing is when JavaScript violently writes, then reads, from the DOM, multiple times causing document reflows.
- Functional Refactoring in JavaScript | Victor Savkin on Software Architecture a nice walkthrough of refactoring a function step by step
- ▶ Vyacheslav Egorov - LXJS 2013 - Performance and benchmarking - YouTube how VMs outsmart performance tests
- Dropzone.js DropzoneJS is an open source library that provides drag’n’drop file uploads with image previews.
- ILOVEPIE/Shader.js A small and compact closure-compiler compatible javascript library for managing shaders.
- Interview Questions and Exercises About CSS | CSS-Tricks If you’re in the position of needing to interview someone about their skill and knowledge about CSS, it can be a little hard to think of things to ask on-the-fly.
Web Development
- How to prioritize visible content for pagespeed enhance percieved performance
- This Is Responsive | Tips, Resources and Patterns for Responsive Web Design a very helpful page!
- Einführung in die Entwicklung von Smart-TV-Apps » t3n A german read about how to get into developing SmartTV Apps.
- Odometer — Transition numbers with ease Beautiful CSS3 Number Transitions
- Fyrdility » Blog Archive » Preview the new features the beta has some nice features
- Creating a Dynamic Hero Image Using Canvas - Spark: Lamplighter Blog nice idea
- From Java to Node.js | n0tw0rthy rather long
- What is Node.js? - Stack Overflow A really long answer
- [] All the levels! the level ecosystem is growing each day
- karlwestin/node-gumbo-parser Parsing HTML in node using google’s gumbo parser
- tazjin/clojure-basics A collection of interesting things for people who want to start learning Clojure.
- vhf/free-programming-books This list initially was a clone of stackoverflow - List of freely available programming books by George Stocker.
- Geolocation with PostgreSQL a walkthrough of what Postgres can do for you
- I learn as I go along: Efficient Techniques for Fuzzy and Partial matching in mongoDB a number of techniques, in MongoDB, for efficiently finding documents that have a number of similar attributes to a supplied query whilst not being an exact match
- SublimeGit Full-featured Git integration for Sublime Text 2 and 3.
- opserver/Opserver Stack Exchange’s Monitoring System
- JSConf EU 2013 - YouTube 12 videos from jsconf eu
- The Functional Database Rich Hickey discusses how a functional database can impact the programming model, using Datomic as an example, but the principles apply to other systems using an immutable database.
- google/gumbo-parser A pure-C HTML5 parser.
- Introducing Governments at all levels have been using GitHub for some time now to build better, more accessible websites, publish laws and data, and even collaborate on policies themselves.
- Twitter / patrickdijusto: Cop pulls over Werner Heisenberg, … no comment
- IGN presents Museum of Mario An interactive experience exploring the many eras of Mario. Turn on the audio and click around to find hidden interactions!
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