And another round of thingys
- How I fixed an anonymous infinite loop in jsbin Remy Sharp guides through his adventures
- - The Database of JavaScript Libraries The definitive source of the best JavaScript frameworks, plugins, and tools
- angular-gettext Super-simple translation support for Angular.JS
- juliangruber/validimir Create validation functions
- spy-js/spy-js spy-js: javascript tracing tool
- Solved By Flexbox I wish I could use it in my daily work
- Stunning Procedural Skies In WebGL – Part 1 nice WebGL demo
Web Development
- favico.js - Make a use of your favicon Make a use of your favicon
- teppeis/grunt-parallelize This plugin divides src files of your task and executes them in parallel.
- More maintainable Gruntfiles A simple way to organize your tasks
- Lo-Dash 2.0 modularized and custom builds (with grunt plugin)
- Web performance 2.0 A thorough roundup on how responsive design implementations effect performance
- Google Web Designer Create engaging, interactive HTML5-based designs and motion graphics that can run on any device.
- - HTML5 Flash Player (Shumway ) landed in Firefox. Plays swfs without flash
- requestAutocomplete - take my money, not my time - HTML5 Rocks a deep dive into autocompletion the HTML5 way
- Performance Matters An A List Apart’s take on web performance
- Advanced Jank Busting in Chrome – Nat Duca A must see
- rvagg/through2 Tiny wrapper around Node streams2 Transform to avoid explicit subclassing noise
- thlorenz/inspect-stream Inspects a nodejs stream 2 and logs the data that’s coming through.
- dominictarr/cyphernet secure replicatable tree database.
- Dance you Imps! | 8th Light Uncle Bob on ORMs
- Excel and CSV Conversion to JSON and XML in JavaScript nice online converter
- An Insider’s View of Mobile-First Design: Don’t Make These Mistakes | Wired Opinion | It’s no secret that mobile networks can be much slower than those connected to PCs, and nothing frustrates mobile users more than a long load time. As Instagram co-founder Mike Krieger put it, “Who wants to wait while they’re waiting?”
- algorithm - How to pair socks from a pile efficiently? - Stack Overflow Optimize your life
- github - 3D File Diffs you can now see diffs of 3d objects
- google/lmctfy lmctfy is the open source version of Google’s container stack, which provides Linux application containers.
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