And another release of exciting Thingys
- Home | ngBoilerplate Everything you need to kickstart AngularJS projects: a best-practice directory structure, an intelligent build system, and the best web design libraries around.
- Ember.js - Ember 1.0 Released the big 1.0 for Ember is out
- Ember Inspector Ember.js Inspector is now available on the Chrome Web Store
- adobe-research/theseus A pretty darn cool JavaScript debugger for Brackets
- 3D Shading with Box-Shadows | Codrops A tutorial about a technique that uses box shadows for creating a realistic shading effect on simple objects.
- Transitions for Off-Canvas Navigations | Codrops Some inspiration for transition effects for off-canvas navigations.
Web Development
- andismith/grunt-responsive-images · GitHub Produce Responsive Images
- CSS Sprites vs. Data URIs Eine weitere Untersuchung zeigt, dass man bei der Frontend-Entwicklung für Mobile Devices auf Data-URL verzichten sollte.
- Custom Elements: defining new elements in HTML - HTML5 Rocks webcomponents overview
Mobile Webdevelopment
- Brick UI Components for Modern Web Apps
- Method definitions in Ruby 2.1.0 will not be void anymore - Franck Verrot they return the method symbol
- Developing mobile apps with Node.js and MongoDB, Part 1: A team’s methods and results Speeding time to value of systems of engagement
- Developing mobile apps with Node.js and MongoDB, Part 2: Hints and tips Avoiding the pitfalls of using an alternative stack
- tpeden/express-resource-new Clean, rails-like, resourceful routing for Express
- twitter/summingbird Streaming MapReduce with Scalding and Storm
- Factual/skuld Distributed task tracking system.
- The MongoDB Blog Faceted search, or faceted navigation, is a way of browsing and searching for items in a set of data by applying filters on various properties (facets) of the items in the collection.
- FredrikNoren/ungit The easiest way to use git. On any platform. Anywhere.
- ▶ [CSSConfUS 2013] Lea Verou: The Humble Border-radius - YouTube Another great presentation by Lea Verou
- The Observation Deck » Happy 10th Birthday, DTrace! Ten years ago this morning — at 10:27a local time, to be exact — DTrace was integrated.
- Docker: Git for deployment Finally, an efficient way to simulate our production environment
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