Be sure to check out the 10 lifehacks from 100 years ago…
- Required JavaScript Reading | Nettuts Rey Bango collected a list of Javascript books and blogs
- 623HS/zen.js Zen Coding style, declarative DOM tree generator
- In defense of JavaScript’s constructors Should you use constructors?
- Real-Time Messaging for Meteor With Meteor Streams | Nettuts A complete example of streams
- Building The New Financial Times Web App (A Case Study) | Smashing Coding The challenges of building a site with new technologies
Web Development
- jendewalt/jennifer_dewalt 180 Websites in 180 days
- JavaScript Powered Arduino with Johnny-Five | Safari Books Online’s Official Blog Guide on how to connect to your arduino with johnny five
Objective C
- overcommitted/ParcelKit ParcelKit seamlessly integrates Core Data with Dropbox using the Dropbox Datastore API
- bgrins/devtools-snippets collection of helpful snippets to use inside of browser devtools
- sorenmacbeth/streaming-papers A curated collection of papers on streaming algorithms
- - AngularJS - YouTube The AngularJS video tutorial course featured on
- Hadoop Tutorial: Analyzing Server Logs - YouTube This video explores how to use Hadoop and the Hortonworks Data Platform to analyze server log data and respond quickly to an enterprise security breach.
- 10 Lifehacks from 100 Years Ago | Mental Floss some useful stuff
- mame/quine-relay a quine through 50 programming languages .. yep.
Raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi als FM-Senderchen Raspberry Pi als kleine FM Sendestation
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