Once again we collected the finest thingys of the last week for you.
- What’s the Big Deal with Generators? A thorough explanation of how this ECMAScript 6 feature works and why it is useful.
- Buttons - A CSS button library built with Sass and Compass A CSS button library built with Sass
- CSS Background Blend Modes are now available in Chrome Canary and WebKit Nightly | Web Platform Team Blog As part of the CSS Blending and Compositing specification, HTML background blending allows blending of images, gradients and background colors directly from CSS.
- Metaball particle clock. - CodePen nice clock demo
- Are We Componentized Yet? Tracking the progress of Web Components through standardisation, polyfillification1, and implementation.
- Nifty Modal Window Effects | Codrops A set of experimental modal window appearance effects with CSS transitions and animations.
Web Development
- Developing With Sass and Chrome DevTools | Nettuts frontend dev within the dev tools
- Atomic Design We’re not designing pages, we’re designing systems of components.—Stephen Hay
- A badass list of frontend development resources I collected over time. A badass list of frontend development resources I collected over time.
- Kolyaj/Yaxy Proxy server for a web developers.
Mobile Webdevelopment
- PhoneGap | Coming soon! What to expect in PhoneGap 3.0 the next release overview
- Riding Rails: Rails 4.0 Russion-Doll-Caching, Turbolinks, Declarative Etags, …
- nodeapps/boilerplates a collection of one-line install node.js boilerplates for various popular libraries
- sindresorhus/sudo-block · GitHub Block users from running your tool with root permissions - Node.js module
- mattinsler/longjohn Long stack traces for node.js with configurable call trace length
- isaacs/st A node module for serving static files. Does etags, caching, etc.
- Node v0.11.3 (Unstable) New unstable version with tons of changes
- dominictarr/level-live-stream Stream live changes from levelup.
- Summingbird: Streaming MapReduce at Twitter // Speaker Deck Summingbird is a platform for streaming map/reduce used at Twitter to build aggregations in real-time or on hadoop.
- Real-time Profiling a MongoDB Sharded Cluster A walkthrough on profiling a cluster with python in real time
- ELLIOTTCABLE/.gitlabels This describes a system for adding metadata to a project’s commit messages.
Raspberry Pi
- Ziphius, the Pi-powered aquatic drone An Pi-powered aquatic drone. Controlled with an iOS or Android Device.
- Pi-Rex A bark-activated door opener for dogs
Your link could be here
If we missed something special or you just want to promote a site, give us a nudge @ yieldthedog@gmail.com