Lots of stories for web devs this week, read on…
- dzautner/jsPipe · GitHub Implementing pipes in Javascript using psudo operator overloading
- Fake operator overloading in JavaScript This post describes how to do a limited version of operator overloading in JavaScript. With the technique described here, you’ll be able to implement a type StringBuilder that can be used as follows:
- maxogden/doorknob · GitHub convenience module for adding Mozilla Persona user login LevelDB based session storage to node web apps
- mintchaos/flippant.js A mini dependancy-less UI lib for flipping over DOM nodes.
- Controlling History: the HTML5 History API and ‘Selective’ Loading | InsertHTML Today we’re going to look at a way to keep a sense of consistency on your website by maintaining the state of some elements even when the user navigates through history.
Web Development
- Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Changes in rankings of smartphone search results watch out for these changes
- Cross-browser testing simplified | Testing made easier in Internet Explorer | modern.IE Test versions of IE using Virtual Machines that you download and manage in your own development environment.
- Browserify and the Universal Module Definition | dontkry.com HOW I LEARNED TO STOP WORRYING AND LOVE THE BROWSERIFY
- Auticons: An automatic icon font Auticons is an icon font and CSS set that harnesses the awesome power of attribute selectors.
- Adventures in Jank Busting: Parallax, performance, and the new Flickr Home Page | code.flickr.com Great write-up on jank busting, parallax and performance from the engineering team at Flickr
- Retiring Chrome Frame Interesting move.
- Brackets: From Design Comp to Code » Hochitom.at review of brackets
- Prinzhorn/skrollr Stand-alone parallax scrolling library for mobile (Android iOS) and desktop. No jQuery. Just plain JavaScript (and some love). http://prinzhorn.github.io/skrollr/
- 50 kleine Tipps und Tricks zu den Chrome Developer Tools • Peter Kröner • Webtechnologie Das eigentlich Tolle den Devtools sind die vielen kleinen Dinge, die das Leben leichter machen.
- Innovating with HTTP 2.0 Server Push - igvita.com HTTP 2.0 enables the server to send multiple responses (in parallel) for a single client request - aka “server push.” Ilya Grigorik looks at how this can be used to avoid round trips.
Mobile Development
- NickTitle/iOS7-Trans-Blur Implementation of the new iOS7-style masking transparency blur, using StackBlur
- flatiron/nconf · GitHub Hierarchical node.js configuration with files, environment variables, command-line arguments, and atomic object merging.
- substack/stream-adventure · GitHub go on an educational stream adventure!
- PostgreSQL Functional Indexes | End Point Blog a quick overview on functional indexes
Raspberry Pi
- Onion Pi: Foil the NSA and Prism with a Tor proxy | Raspberry Pi Tor proxy box based around a Pi
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