Exiting new thingys this week. Read on …
- AngularJS and SEO - yearofmoo.com How you can setup your Angular App for Searchengines
- Building a Spreadsheet in 20 Minutes with Angular.js — Thomas Street nice tutorial
- Building A Full-Text Index In Javascript Things that were not possible a while ago
- Meteor 0.6.3 with new greatness
- List.js - Add search, sort and flexibility to plain HTML lists or tables with cross-browser native JavaScript by @javve sort and filter lists
- geddski/grunt-release · GitHub Release a new version of your Node-based project
- enginous/angular-oauth · GitHub An implementation of an client-side (implicit grant) OAuth 2.0 authorization flow for AngularJS.
- CSS only 3d Macbook Air - CodePen very impressive!
- Line Clampin’ | CSS-Tricks You want X lines of text. Anything after that, gracefully cut off.
- Motion Canvas: The HTML5 Animation System Motion Canvas is a complete HTML5 Canvas animation system
Web Development
- Welcome - Polymer Polymer is a new type of library for the web, built on top of Web Components, and designed to leverage the evolving web platform on modern browsers.
- A Beginner’s Guide to HTTP Cache Headers | Mobify This article offers an exploration into HTTP caching headers and associated CDN behaviour
Objective C
- nicklockwood/LayerSprites · GitHub LayerSprites is a library designed to simplify the use of sprite sheets (image maps containing multiple sub-images) in UIKit applications without using OpenGL or 3rd-party game libraries.
- Firefox Developer Tool Features for Firefox 23 ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog A look at some cool new tools currently in Firefox’s ‘Aurora’ pre-beta channel.
- Google Has Already Removed 8.8M Lines Of WebKit Code From Blink | TechCrunch Who thought that it would be that much
- Chrome’s requestAutocomplete() | Mostly harmless by Alex MacCaw Things you are used to build your own….
- emre/storm · GitHub storm is a command line tool to manage your ssh connections.
- No Builds Is it possible to develop without builds?
- The MongoDB NoSQL Database Blog, New Geo Features in MongoDB 2.4 the new geo features in depth
- Repository redirects are here! It’s a fact of life - sometimes repository names change.
- Mozilla Labs : TowTruck A service for your website that makes it surprisingly easy to collaborate in real-time.
- Texas JavaScript | TXJS 2013 on Vimeo The first videos are out on vimeo
- NoSQL Distilled to an hour - Martin Fowler on Vimeo NoSQL matters Cologne 2013 - Key Note
- Real-time communication with WebRTC: Google I/O 2013 - YouTube In this session, we show you how to get started with building a WebRTC app: - what’s a MediaStream (aka getUserMedia) and how can I use it? - resolution constraints - signalling: what is it and how can I set it up? - servers: what do I need? - RTCPeerConnection: WebRTCs most powerful API - RTCDataChannel: realtime communication of arbitrary data - integrating WebRTC with Web Audio - interoperability - security
- GitMinutes: GitMinutes #08: Drew Neil on Vim and Workflow In this episode we talk to Drew Neil. He is the man behind Vimcasts, and the book Practical Vim. A couple of years back he did a whole bunch of screen-casts on how to use Git from inside of Vim, and this is what made me want to get him on the show.
- dotcloud/docker · GitHub Docker is an open-source engine which automates the deployment of applications as highly portable, self-sufficient containers.
- The Open Source Report Card enter a github user and see what he’s doing
- The Joys of Code no comment
- Two problems All programmers have problems
Your link could be here
If we missed something special or you just want to promote a site, give us a nudge @ yieldthedog@gmail.com