This week we present you a great variety of interesting thingys…
- Crocodoc some nice demos
- Michiel de Graaf - Generate animations with SASS nice css animations, done with a few lines of sass with @while
- davatron5000/TimeJump · GitHub TimeJump adds deep-linking to HTML5 audio and video podcasts. TimeJump works behind-the-scenes to create a standardized API for seeking, based off the YouTube deep-linking syntax.
- scottjehl/picturefill · GitHub A Responsive Images approach that you can use today, that mimics the proposed picture element using divs, for safety sake.
Web Development
- #122: The State of Favicons | CSS-Tricks A short video on the current state
Mobile Development
- helios-framework/helios · GitHub An extensible open-source mobile backend framework
- Rails’ Insecure Defaults - Code Climate Blog 13 defaults you should care about
- Mozilla and Samsung Collaborate on Next Generation Web Browser Engine | The Mozilla Blog could bring Rust to the browser
- tmux 1.8 is out with great new features
- remiprev/teamocil · GitHub There’s no I in Teamocil. At least not where you think. Teamocil helps you set up session, window and pane layouts for tmux using YAML configuration files.
- Navigating through the git history like a boss | Web 0.2 Some tricks for better git history navigation
- terryma/vim-expand-region · GitHub vim-expand-region is a Vim plugin that allows you to visually select increasingly larger regions of text using the same key combination. It is similar to features from other editors:
- How Fast is Your Web Site? - ACM Queue Web site performance data has never been more readily available.
- Frameworks Round 2 - TechEmpower Blog Lots of benchmarks and frameworks
- wg/wrk · GitHub a HTTP benchmarking tool
- CODEshow on Vimeo CODEshow is an annual one-day conference focusing on emerging software technology held at the historic Dock Street Theatre in Charleston, South Carolina, recently coined Silicon Harbor. CODEshow.1 featured interactive discussions from domain experts in MongoDB, AngularJS and Node.js
- Design Inspiration: Negative Space Logos and Symbols some nice examples
- QafooLabs/php-refactoring-browser · GitHub Automatic Refactorings for PHP Code by generating diffs that describe the refactorings steps.
Raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi Terminal with Kindle Paperwhite Turn a Kindle Paperwhite into a wireless Raspberry Pi Terminal
- Raspbmc: Crack for MPEG2, VC1, DTS hardware decoding! DTS, VC1 and MPEG2 codecs are available for free now. All future installs of Raspbmc will automatically activate all codecs capable in firmware without any additional configuration.
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