Lot’s of frontend thingys this week with one of my favorite demos the ‘tearable cloth’.
- adamschwartz/chrome-inspector-detector · GitHub A simple utility for detecting whether or not the Chrome Inspector is open or docked.
- Mouse Path Smoothing for Jack Lumber Twisted Oak Studios | Unity3D Consulting | Technical Magic
- bramp/js-sequence-diagrams · GitHub Generates UML sequence diagrams from simple text
- Deploying JavaScript Applications - Alex Sexton Nothing new, but all in one place
- Tear-able Cloth - CodePen You can even tear it appart
- akrennmair/speech-to-server · GitHub demo application for libmp3lame.js
- wagerfield/flat-surface-shader · GitHub Simple, fast, Flat Surface Shader composed of Triangles assembled from Vertices lit by Lights.
- Introduction to Custom Filters (aka CSS Shaders) - HTML5Rocks Updates What you can do to your DOM with CSS…
- Sprite sheet animation with steps(). There is an… | simurai step by step animation with css keyframes
- websymphony/almost-flat-ui · GitHub Almost Flat UI is licensed under a MIT License. It uses Foundation Framework and is heavily inspired from Flat UI Free by designmodo.
- Working with flexbox | Adobe Developer Connection Flexible layouts. Equal height columns. Presentation independence from your HTML source order. These things haven’t been so easy to achieve with CSS—until now. The flexible box layout, the new flexbox specification, makes creating any of these layouts easy, and much more.
- Pure CSS Peeling Sticky - CodePen demo
- Coding4fun: the Star Wars intro in pure CSS3 thanks to 3D transform Star wars intro without a line of JavaScript
Web Development
- 5 Common Usability Mistakes and Solutions For Avoiding Them David Walsh about five horrible usability mistakes.
- Coding Horror: Why Ruby? Stack Overflow co-founder Jeff Atwood shares his thoughts on why he switched to Ruby and Rails for building his latest ‘Discourse’ forum software. One of the reasons is that ‘Ruby isn’t cool any more.’
- juliangruber/level-store · GitHub A streaming storage engine based on LevelDB
- rvagg/node-levelup · GitHub LevelDB - Node.js style
- substack: how i write modules how the streams master does his modules
- maxogden/art-of-node · GitHub a short introduction to node.js
- Internet Explorer 11’s leaked build (new features) what to expect from IE11
- substack: many things Substack on small building blocks vs framworks
- Robomongo — shell-centric MongoDB management tool Shell-centric MongoDB management tool
- Scaling PostgreSQL at Braintree: Four Years of Evolution They highlight here their four year journey with Postgres which includes sharding their data and now running an automated failover setup.
- tpope/vim-tbone · GitHub Basic tmux support for Vim.
- Analyzing Millions of GitHub Commits What Makes Developers Happy, Angry, and Everything in Between?
- Hanselminutes Technology Podcast Scott sits down with Chrome Developer Advocate Paul Irish to talk HTML5, JavaScript, Chrome and the Web
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