Today’s π-day and great things happened this week on the web. We got new releases (NodeJS, JSHint, Sinatra, Zepto) and lot’s of other useful thingys, read on…
- marijnh/tern · GitHub A JavaScript code analyzer for deep, cross-editor language support
- Zepto 1.0 Congrats to Version 1.0
- ECMAScript 6 and Rest Parameter Intro to ES6 Rest parameter
- JSHint 1.1.0 is out with some new options that help you lint your code
- Testacular - Spectacular Test Runner for Javascript Version 0.6 is out. The angular team is worknig hard on improving their test environment
- SlowmoJS Javascript in Slow Motion.
- Formula.js JavaScript implementation of most formula functions supported by Microsoft Excel 2013 and Google Spreadsheets
- olivernn/lunr.js · GitHub A bit like Solr, but much smaller and not as bright
- Tips And Tricks For Print Style Sheets very helpful
- On WebGL — Interesting article on the state of WebGL paired with some shiny examples.
Web Development
- igrigorik/webp-detect · GitHub WebP User-Agent detection
- Accelerated Rendering in Chrome: The Layer Model - HTML5 Rocks Know the in’s and out’s of accelerated rendering and Chrome’s layer model for compositing.
- Huddle/PhantomCSS · GitHub CSS regression testing. An integration of Resemble.js with PhantomJS and CasperJS for automating visual regression testing and test coverage of Website styling to support refactoring of CSS.
- Touch And Mouse: Together Again For The First Time - HTML5 Rocks New HTML5Rocks article on implementing Touch and Mouse user interface together by Chris Wilson and Paul Kinlan!
- Upgrading Rails: Gems Extracted in Rails 4 — Andy Lindeman Upgrade guide for extracted gems.
- | What’s new in Sinatra 1.4? new http methods, more template languages, …
- WebSockets on Rails 4 and Ruby 2 - Pogoapp How to setup Rails and WebSockets
- visionmedia/n · GitHub Simple flavour of node binary management, no subshells, no profile setup, no convoluted api, just simple.
- Scaling Node.js Applications | Colin J. Ihrig’s Blog Possibilites to scale a node app
- Taming Configurations with node-convict – A Node.JS Holiday Season, part 7 ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog a tool that helps manage the configuration of node.js applications
- Weltschmerz/Lactate · GitHub Featureful static file server for Node
- substack/hyperquest · GitHub treat http requests as a streaming transport
- Node v0.10.0 (Stable) Streams2, Domains and much more
- Unix Tricks Some useful stuff here
- Reddit | Good readable code. A subreaddit deticated to readable code
- PHP is the right tool for the job (for all the wrong reasons) - Sam says you should read this Why PHP?
- Handling Growth with Postgres: 5 Tips From Instagram - Instagram Engineering What is Instagram using to scale PG
- WebStorm 6.0 released: adds TypeScript, debugging with source maps, fresh UI and much more | WebStorm Happy Release to JetBrains!
- Seth Messer : Clean vim draw/artifacts Fix draw artifacts in vim
- MySQL to NoSQL: Data Modeling Challenges in Supporting Scalability Kenneth M. Anderson shares some of the data modeling issues encountered while transitioning from a relational database to NoSQL.
- WebGL Podcast - Episode 3 Hear about how he got into 3D, why he loves helping people, and what he feels is needed to take 3D-based apps to the next level.
- Open Source And Responsibility - Felix Geisendörfer What is the responsibility of an open source author? Some food for thought from Felix.
- Coffitivity - Increase Your Creativity! with some ambient (beta)
- Popular | Breakpoint Share your side projects and get feedback with Breakpoint.
- Could the eagles have flown Frodo into Mordor? A question as old as the book…
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