Long time no see. After a quite long pause we are back with a ton of links!
- iammerrick/Squire.js · GitHub Your friendly dependency injector for testing Require.js modules
- Callbacks considered a smell | adamghill.com How to get rid of callback hell
- Unheap – A tidy collection of jQuery plugins useful jquery plugins
- thlorenz/browserify-ftw Converts an entire project that uses requirejs amd into on that uses nodejs common modules so it can be browserified.
- jQuery Core 1.9 Upgrade Guide are you ready for the next major jQuery version?
- any list scroller - jQuery scrolling plugin by musings.it to scroll any list with any content - musings.it web design and development ALS - Any List Scroller is the jQuery plugin by musings.it to scroll any list, of any dimension, with any content. Try it!
- Garlic.js Forms are independent. All text data is localy persisted thanks to localStorage if browser supports it. If you reload this page, quit and go back here, your data will still be there. On simple validation, if you press the submit button the presisted data will be destroyed, considering it has properly been submited
- Inception Vetex Shader thiree js dmo
- twitter/typeahead.js · GitHub autocomplete library
- fullscale/dangle · GitHub A set of AngularJS directives that provide common visualizations for elasticsearch based on D3.
- Messenger - Alerts for the 21st Century Show transactional messages in your app Wrap AJAX requests with progress, success and error messages Add action links to your messages.
- CSS Exceptions: Object Modifiers or Extensions? CSS Exceptions: Object Modifiers or Extensions?
- daneden/animate.css · GitHub Cross-browser CSS3 animations. Plug and play. Do a little dance.
- Simple Effects for Drop-Down Lists | Codrops Nice little effecgts on your dropdowns
- Groundwork CSS A Responsive HTML5, CSS
- The top 20 HTML5 sites of 2012 | Feature | .net magazine Some great examples of what HTML5 can do
- Canvas-driven background images - HTML5Rocks Updates PROGRAMMATICALLY ANIMATING BACKGROUND IMAGES
Web Development
- The top 25 responsive sites of 2012 | Feature | .net magazine A great round up
- The Inconvenient Truth About SEO | Smashing Magazine Is it worth spending lots of time optimizing your site for SEO? Read on to find out..
- Performance Calendar » Deciphering the Critical Rendering Path Ilya Grigorik steps you through the critical path of a page
- Responsive from ZURB | Gallery of Responsive Sites Everything you need!
- Front-end performance for web designers and front-end developers – CSS Wizardry – CSS, OOCSS, front-end architecture, performance and more, by Harry Roberts a must-read for evry frontend developer!
- Indexed DB, die neue HTML5-Datenbank im Browser. Der erste Teil der Serie: ein kurzer Überblick
- Where to Start Nice reading about getting started with responsive design
Mobile Development
- Android Performance Case Study, Falcon Pro How to get your Android app perform well
- slivu/1mc2 · GitHub 1 million concurrent connections in Ruby
- bcoe/routers-news · GitHub A crawler for various popular tech news sources. Read technology news from the comfort of your CLI.
- Peer Dependencies Makes the life of plugin developers easier
- Pomelo home Fast, scalable, distributed game server framework for node.js
- Uncatchable ChuckNorrisException - Stack Overflow This is definitely a great question title.
- Programmer Interrupted What happens if programmers get interrupted?
- MongoDB schema design pitfalls - Server Density Blog Remember, “schemaless” doesn’t mean you don’t need to design your schema!
- GitLab 4.0 released - GITLAB Blog With lots of new features…
- pcottle/learnGitBranching · GitHub An interactive git visualization to challenge and educate!
- IOC Javascript - YouTube Thicker web clients and server-side JavaScript create complexity that must be managed through architectural patterns.
- Douglas Crockford: Monads and Gonads (YUIConf Evening Keynote) - YouTube In this evening keynote from YUIConf 2012, the legendary JavaScript architect Douglas Crockford discusses one of the most elusive of all programming concepts: the monads.
- Javascript Code Analysis with Esprima - YouTube As applications get more complex, the underlying systems will get harder and harder to maintain and manage. JavaScript’s tools aren’t keeping pace, and that’s a problem.
- W3Conf - YouTube 15 Videos from w3c conf
- Master of the Internet - YouTube Internet advert from the 90ies
- Introducing the Leap Motion - YouTube Nice “demo” video of leap motion
- Flat Pixels: The Battle Between Flat Design And Skeuomorphism what’s a flat pixel?
- Introducing Boxen automating osx setup
- NGINX Announces Support for WebSocket Protocol Finally!!!
- Nokia: Yes, we decrypt your HTTPS data, but don’t worry about it — Tech News and Analysis Nokia’s trustworthyness just went down the drain
- darwin/cmx.js · GitHub a library/markup for building xkcd-style comic strips
- Bombermine Massively Bomberman Online with up to 1000 players on the single map
Raspberry Pi
- 10 More Mind-Blowing, Skill-Building Raspberry Pi Projects | Wired Design | Wired.com Don’t know, what to do with your RaspberryPi?
Your link could be here
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