After two weeks of no thingys we are back with another fine collection of links.
- jQuery Combinators by raganwald jQuery Combinators adds five very useful methods to every jQuery selection: tap, into, select, ergo and when. These allow you to use your own functions as if they were built-in jQuery methods, which makes your code cleaner and more “jQuery-like.”
- homoiconic/2012/11/ at master · raganwald/homoiconic jQuery is a general-purpose library that provides a number of browser-specific functions. Its core functionality manipulates selections of DOM entities in a fluent style. There are four fundamental operations on a selection:
- A Few New Things Coming To JavaScript a compilation of what is coming next
- codrops/Calendario A jQuery calendar plugin for creating flexible calendars.
- alertifyjs - An unobtrusive customizable JavaScript notification system An unobtrusive customizable JavaScript notification system
- IE10 CSS Hacks | Impressive Webs No conditional comments in IE 10. But there are still hacks.
Web Development
- Secrets of the Chrome Developer Tools on Vimeo The Developer Tools built into Google Chrome provide powerful ways to understand, debug, and profile web applications.
- Font Custom Generate custom icon webfonts from the comfort of the command line.
- Chrome Dev Tools Networking and the Console | Nettuts
- Rails 4 links compilation - compilation of interesting links where you will find information that is not very well known. There are pull requests, issues, commits, examples, posts, videos and more about Rails 4.
- Headius: Refining Ruby Charles Nutter on Ruby 2.0’s refinements
- Introducing the Rails API Project - Literate Programming That’s why I’m happy to introduce Rails API: a set of tools to build excellent APIs for both heavy Javascript applications as well as non-Web API clients.
- maxogden/websocket-stream websockets with the node stream api
- node.js knockout, Node Knockout Winners! We’re excited to announce the winners of Node Knockout! Here are the champions among the 167 entries submitted this year.
- How to create a private npm.js repository by Tom Gallacher never goes down Or so I thought.
- Wizardry by diy Wizardry is a task-based library for GraphicsMagick / ImageMagick that focuses on simplicity and getting one thing done right: processing images.
- flatland/drip · GitHub Fast JVM launching without the hassle of persistent JVMs.
- IDEs Are a Language Smell A nice rant on IDEs
- Software Ramblings, The wonderful world of GEO spatial indexes in MongoDB MongoDB has native support for geospatial indexes and extensions to the query language to support a lot of different ways of querying your geo spatial documents
- Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework - a centralized code sample library - Home Code sample library
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