This week with an exciting collection of thingys
- guillaumepotier/Garlic.js Garlic.js allows you to automatically persist your forms’ text and select field values locally, until the form is submitted. This way, your users don’t lose any precious data if they accidentally close their tab or browser.
- melanke/Watch.JS watch the changes of any object or attribut
- Optimizing Three.js Performance: Simulating Tens Of Thousands Of Independent Moving Objects explains how to make a star field in three.js that doesn’t suck cpu as hell
- responsive design 10 basics tips .. in an infographic
- Using the PageVisibility API - HTML5 Rocks Use visibility api to pause and resume scripts
Web Development
- Optimising for Retina: 10 essential tools | Feature | .net magazine how to get fit for the retina web
- display: none Or The things you think are common knowledge but really they aren’t.
- Addy Osmani - Google - Chrome: Easier Web App Debugging With Multi-User Profiles … Use Chrome’s user profiles to easy testing
Mobile Development
- mattt/TransformerKit Transforming Ordinary Code into Awesomesauce
- luisobo/Nocilla Stunning HTTP stubbing for iOS. Testing HTTP requests has never been easier.
- 2012 — Node.js Knockout finished this week, check out the projects
- hughsk/colony In-browser network graphs representing the links between your Node.js code and its dependencies.
- history - What triggered the popularity of lambda functions in modern mainstream programming languages? - Programmers with interesting answers
- Singleton Pattern in Java About java singletons …
- git add -p: The most powerful git feature you’re not using yet | John Kary enter the realm of patch mode
- Chris Granger - Meet the new Light Table Chris Granger is heavily hacking on LightTable
- Wheatley Automated JavaScript refactoring
- color-mixing in “paper” for ipad very interesting article about the new color-mixing functionality in the “paper” ipad application
- ARM Assembly Code on the iPhone .. if you dare!
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