This week we have 22 links in 12 categories. Seems to be a record in link to category ratio…
- vhiremath4/Tock Timeout and interval javascript manager.
- TradeMe/bootup.js Cache and load static files from local storage.
- How to line wrap text in legend elements, even in IE | 456 Berea Street tutle says it all
- Rounded Corners and Gradients in IE10: The 4 Missing Pixels | Atlassian Blogs Do we still need to hack IE?
- » The Future of CSS Layout presentation at Future of Web Design conference
Web Development
- Responsive CSS Framework Comparison: Bootstrap, Foundation, Skeleton Which CSS-Framework should i use? Here’s thelist!
- Chromium Blog: Introducing TCP Listen, a new API for Chrome packaged apps now packaged apps can listen to you
Mobile Development
- kylehickinson/reflect Reflect is a service that uses Bonjour discovery to allow you to send file data from your Mac to iOS devices.
- Ratchet Prototype iPhone apps with simple HTML, CSS and JS components.
- The Ruby 2.0 Walkthrough by Peter Cooper — Kickstarter The ultimate screencast and written guide to what’s new and different in Ruby 2.0 compared to Ruby 1.9
- vesln/cyclop Highly focused async. Does one thing… like a boss.
- babelfish 0.1.1 API documentation nternationalisation with easy syntax for node.js. Classic solutions use multiple phrases for plurals. But we define plurals inline - that’s more compact, and easier to maintain. Also, phrases are grouped into nested scopes, like in Ruby.
- Tracking Down Memory Leaks in Node.js – A Node.JS Holiday Season ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog presents some tools to track your memory consumption
- substack/secure-peer · GitHub Create encrypted peer-to-peer streams using public key cryptography and signing.
- MongoDB Gotchas title says all
- Pushing The Limits of Web Browsers … or Why Speed Matters Lars Bak presents several language virtual machines (Self, Strongtalk, Hotspot), why they matter and how they influenced V8 and Dart. His talk is centered on performance.
- 50 performance tricks to make your HTML5 apps and sites faster | Build 2012 | Channel 9 in 59min and 5sec
- When in git :D
- eight bit beats have fun composing beats
- iOS Programming with Lua use Lua for iOS development
- Lean UX Anti-Patterns lean UX anti-patterns .. some very good insights and tips .. (in a somewhat strange presentation).
- Prevent sensitive data .. nice git-tip from ben tadiar.
Your link could be here
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