This week’s new releases: Redis, Gitlab, Jruby, Meteor
- Callback Hell What can you do against callback hell?
- jsantell/dancer.js high-level audio API, designed to make sweet visualizations
- zythum/css3-bookTurnPage Turn pages like in a book
- Introducing CSS FilterLab | Adobe Developer Connection CSS FilterLab is a browser-based tool that lets you play with CSS filters
- Fuel UX Lightweight Javascript controls for Bootstrap
- A classless class—on using more classes in your HTML — CSS Wizardry—CSS, Web Standards, Typography, and Grids by Harry Roberts This article is a pretty basic one, but it’s aimed at developers struggling to shake the idea that classes in your HTML are somehow a bad thing. Quite often, developers new to OOCSS find it hard to transition from adding no classes to anything to adding as many as you need (i.e. a lot more than you were).
- The Real Beauty of CSS3 Box Shadows | Code Theory You might have used CSS3 box shadows several times to create some pretty looking drop shadows like you do in Photoshop. That’s great! But do you even know how it can be used for some other mind boggling purposes ? If not, then you are definitely going to like what I am about to show you.
- The Road To Reusable HTML Components | Smashing Coding How to make your html more reusable…
HTML (5)
- Exploring the HTML5 Web Audio: visualizing sound | A walkthrough of building a volume meter, a frequency spectrum graph, and a time based spectrogram.
- “Bat for Lashes” on Pitchfork very nicely done cover-story of the new album “glitter in the dark” by Bat For Lashes
Web Development
- Your mobile site is slower than you think | Feature | .net magazine Comparison between desktop and smartphone / tablet
- JRuby 1.7.0. Released — 1.9.3 is now our default runtime mode (–1.8 is needed for 1.8.7 support) Ruby standard library updated to 1.9.3p286 Many 1.9.x compatibility fixes Support for invokedynamic
- glucero/fusuma window management for OSX
- dominictarr/stream-punks discussion repo for streams
- dshaw/repl-client REPL client with tab completion and history. A simple, npm installable alternative to netcat (nc) and socat.
- Meteor 0.5 now with authentication
- jgautier/firmata firmata protocol implemented in javascript
- dominictarr/through · GitHub simple way to create a ReadableWritable stream that works
- Leonidas-from-XIV/node-xml2js Simple XML to JavaScript object converter.
- bkw/node-dronestream Realtime video feed from ar.parrot 2.0 drones in pure javascript. Successor of nodecopter-stream
- dominictarr/convoy-stream A meta-stream for sending multiple streams down a single stream. Like mux-demux except in series instead of in parallel.
- Express 3.0 Express 3.0 is here (finally) and while it is mostly a refinement release, between it and Connect 2.x there are some helpful new features.
- Scraping with Node One of the the best parts about server side JavaScript is the lack of the DOM, but sometimes you need to parse HTML in your node programs.
- ariya/grunt-jsvalidate Grunt task to validate JavaScript source
- XKCD-style plots in Matplotlib - Pythonic Perambulations Python Matplotlib meets XKCD
- GITLAB: Self Hosted Git Management Application Self hosted git web interface
- Redis 2.6 edis 2.6 features support for Lua scripting, milliseconds precision expires, improved memory usage, unlimited number of clients, improved AOF generation, better performance, a number of new commands and features.
- GitLab 3 - GITLAB Blog GitLab version 3.0 released with tons of new features
- The State of Open Source Monitoring: The good, the bad, the fucking terrible, and a glimpse into our future. on Vimeo Talk about monitoring tools
- Treehouse Friends: Paul Irish - Treehouse Blog Treehouse Friends is a series of interviews with interesting people in the web design and dev fields and other industry experts.
- Keynote - Rails 4 and the Future of Web - Aaron Patterson - Aloha Ruby Conf 2012 What’s new in Rails 4? How does Rails 4 fit in to the future of web development? Why are cats so important to the development of Ruby and Rails? All these questions and more will be answered if you attend this talk. Seats are limited, so act now!
Mobile Webdevelopment
- The Semantic, Responsive Navicon A good read about the right Icon for mobile Navigation
- Divergence deploy and test multiple feature-branches at the same time - with git and rack
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