Another round of Interesting Thingys. This week’s new releases: rvn, underscorejs, inuit.css and Microsoft’s TypeScript.
- Ben Alman » Partial Application in JavaScript Introduction to some functional programming concepts in JavaScirpt
- Underscore.js Version 1.4.0 with tons of new features
- necolas/suit-utils · GitHub Utility classes for common, reusable, low-level CSS traits
- The Greatest tool for sorting CSS properties in specific order sort css properties with support for various editors
- csswizardry/inuit.css Version 4.0 is out, now based on Sass
- Getting started with CSS custom filters (CSS shaders) CSS custom filters (formerly known as CSS shaders) are a new browser feature for applying user-created visual effects to elements of HTML document.
HTML (5)
- HTML5 Tutorial: Login Page with HTML5 Forms shows which attributes can help to provide a solid login from
- CanIUse: Data contributions via GitHub Just make a puill request
Web Development
- TypeScript: JavaScript Development at Application Scale - Somasegar’s blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs MS introduces new language for the web
- Web Site Acceleration with Page Speed Technologies combining scripts to one file does not seem to be the fastest solution
Mobile Development
- mattt/shenzhen CLI for Building
- Addy Osmani - Google - The Current State Of Remote Debugging For Mobile Remote… Addy lists some tools that help debugging mobile web apps
- iOS 5 Native Scrolling–Grins on -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch and it’s friends
- ole/RemoteViewControllers Introspection of the private and undocumented remote view controllers feature in iOS 6
- steveklabnik/turbolinks_test Testing the turbolinks implementation
- RVM 1.16 - Engine Yard Blog | Engine Yard Blog The most exciting new addition is binary ruby installs. Precompiled on RVM’s servers
- Enumerator: Ruby’s Versatile Iterator | The Carbon Emitter A walkthrough of Ruby’s Enumerator
- dshaw/replify Easily add a REPL to your Node.js app
- cthackers/adm-zip A Javascript implementation of zip for nodejs. Allows user to create or extract zip files both in memory or to/from disk
- substack/comandante Spawn commands returning a duplex stream. Emit stderr when the command exits with a non-zero code.
- isaacs/readable-stream Take a sneak peek into Node.js’s readable streams
- design - How can one manage thousands of IF…THEN…ELSE rules? - Programmers With some interesting answers
- Share Your Terminal With No Fuss - record your terminal and share it on
- Readable code - and the long lost secret of how to achieve it on Vimeo Self explaining method names, fluent interfaces, DSLs, helpful frameworks… We are always looking for ways to make our code more readable. But in our quest, we seem to have forgotten something. The most effective way to make any code more readable. I wish to demonstrate this long lost secret.
- lxjs2012 all videos from Lisbon Javascript 2012
- Harry Roberts – Big CSS - YouTube Big CSS talk given at Canvas Conf
- Anders Hejlsberg: Introducing TypeScript | Channel 9 Nice talk and overview of TypeScript by Anders Hejlsberg
- RTCWeb Explained on Vimeo The video explains a bit about what is going on at IETF and W3C around standardization of interactive voice, video, and data in web browsers.
- This Developer’s Life - 2.0.9 Drama Where does drama come from? How do we react to it? How much drama can be created by simple semicolon? This week we explore The Great Semicolon Affair.
- The Story of the New Some words about the new and responsive Homepage
- The “Lost” Steve Jobs Speech from 1983 Great speech from Steve Jobs foreshadowing Wireless Networking, the iPad, and the App Store.
- Introducing the Command Bar A new way to interact with Github
- ggplot2 - xkcd style graphs in R - Stack Overflow folk have figured out how to make xkcd style graphs in mathematica and LaTeX. Can we do it in R? Ggplot2-ers? A geom_xkcd and/or theme_xkcd?
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