And another issue of Interesting Thingys…
- Test-Driven Node.js Development with Grunt - Mark Dalgleish describes how to set up a node project with Grunt and use it to test your app
- angular/angularjs-batarang ChromeExtension to debug AngularJS apps
- ECMAScript 6 collections, Part 1: Sets | NCZOnline nice walkthrough of JavaScript’s sets
- Websockets 101 | Armin Ronacher’s Thoughts and Writings Interested in the internals of websockets?
- appjs/appjs AppJS is a sort of SDK to develop desktop applications using Node.js melded with Chromium.
- awgreenblatt/reveal-shaders Reveal.js presentation using CSS Shaders for transitions
- cujojs/when tiny Promise library that works in the browser and node.js
- “Old” Flexbox and “New” Flexbox | CSS-Tricks Solves some of the confusion
- clearleft/clearless A collection of reusable LESS mixins
HTML (5)
- 7 HTML5 features that you may not know about Aaron Lumsden | Link prefetching, download, hidden, output, …
Web Development
- peric/GetCountries This script will generate MySQL “Countries” table depending on what fields you select. All data is fetched from
- Browser testing across devices with Adobe Edge Inspect | Adobe Developer Connection Introduction to Adobe Edge’s capabilities to test accross browsers
- Learnable Programming - Bret Victor A very, veeeeery long article that builds on the concepts shown in ‘Inventing on principle’
- cubiq/infiniwall Infinite, loopable, lazy loaded, 360° scroller for desktop and mobile
Mobile Development
- simonmaddox/GoogleTransit-iOS6 Use Google Maps for Mobile’s Transit Directions in iOS6’s
- RubyMotion gets iOS 6, iPhone 5, debugger - RubyMotion Blog A big update on RubyMotion.
- Is iOS6 Safari caching $.ajax results? - Stack Overflow Good to know
- Guide - ruby-security - Ruby Security Reviewer’s Guide - Ruby: Security Reviewer’s Guide - Google Project Hosting A Google Ruby Security guide…
- mattt/rack-smart-app-banner Rack middleware to automatically include code for Smart App Banner, introduced in iOS 6
- Ruby’s magic underscore use _ to hide unused variables
- rails/turbolinks Turbolinks makes following links in your web application faster (use with Rails Asset Pipeline)
- indutny/node-spdy now works with express sessions
- Deployd Deployd is a platform that makes building complex backends simple.
- DailyJS: Express 3 Tutorial: Contact Forms with CSRF practical introduction to writing Express 3 applications complete with CSRF protection
- cgrand/utils useful functions and extensible macros
- Speech JavaScript API Specification - now available in Chrome The Speech JS API is now available in Chrome Dev in about:flags
- jmikola/mongoqp · GitHub A frontend for MongoDB’s query profiler collection.
- [VULNERABILITY] Remote wipe via iframe USSD trigger - xda-developers Remote wiping Android devices via iframes
- Pure JavaScript on Vimeo Christian Johansen on functional JavaScript
- ‘Working with HTML’ - Emacs Rocks! new episode on HTML
- Writing a Rails Engine - Erik Michaels-Ober - Golden Gate Ruby Conference 2012 As of Rails 3.2, plugins are officially deprecated. They have been replaced by Rails Engines, a class of public methods for hooking into Rails applications.
- How Google Builds Its Maps - and What It Means for the Future of Everything about the work behind Google Maps
- Typical Programmer - Linus Torvalds goes off on Linux and Git Linus Torvalds on Git and Linux
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