This weeks list was assembled with a little help from heroku
- JavaScript Physics Engines Comparison - Build New Games In this article Chandler Trall takes a look at three popular Javascript physics libraries and one that is currently in development: box2dweb, Ammo.js, JigLibJS, and Cannon.js. In this article Chandler Trall takes a look at three popular Javascript physics libraries and one that is currently in development: box2dweb, Ammo.js, JigLibJS, and Cannon.js.
- Javascript Scope Quiz A basic quiz that teaches you JavaScript variable scope.
- scottrabin/is-js A small library for identifying Javascript types
- 15 Cool jQuery Animation Plugins A great selection of different animation plugins
- jsPlumb allows you to connect elements on the screen using SVG, Canvas or VML, depending on the capabilities of the browser.
- Vanilla JS Vanilla JS is a fast, lightweight, cross-platform framework for building incredible, powerful JavaScript applications.
- Resource Reflection in Flatiron - - scaling node.js applications one callback at a time. The Flatiron framework is designed to help with the rapid development of robust isomorphic JavaScript applications.
- [CSSOM-view] Support centering an element when scrolling into view. from Thaddee Tyl on 2012-05-22 ( from May 2012) Webkit supports centering an element, when you scroll it into view
- Building and Testing a Backbone App | Nettuts+ TDD with Backbone and Jasmine
- NVD3.js :: re-usable charts for d3.js re-usable charts and chart components for d3.js without taking away the power that d3.js gives you
- BloatBusters - WebPerfDays - Google Docs Eliminating memory leaks in GMail using Google Chrome DevTools
- Asynchronous JavaScript Programming. The Power Of $.Deferred for HTML5 Application - HTML5 Rocks Jeremy Chone on using $.Deferred for asynchronous HTML5 applications.
- popee/nails node on rails?
- Why developers can’t say no to Node Nice infographic on this topic
- Node.js: Style and structure a few tips on working with Node
- Geddy - A Structured Node.js Framework get your nodes structured
- substack/stream-handbook covers the basics of how to write node.js programs with streams
- Swinging Image A swinging picture frame with CSS animation
- Animated Radio Inputs · CodePen amazing what is possible just with plain ‘old’ css
- Selectors Level 4 - W3C Working Draft 23 August 2012 lots of selectors are coming to the next generation of CSS
Web Development
- SpritePad - Create and edit css sprites With SpritePad you can create your CSS sprites within seconds.
- PhantomJS · marcelduran/yslow Wiki YSlow for PhantomJS is a command line script that allows page performance analysis from live URLs
- Optimizing The Design Workflow With Extensions - Smashing Magazine | Smashing Magazine Ashish Bogawat on using Fireworks with Web Development
- Images. Can we have less? - blog is WebP the answer?
HTML (5)
- MontyThibault/WebMusic An experiment with the new Web Audio API for Chrome and Safari. The script can load basic sheet music data from an XML file, parse it, and play it back dynamically in the browser.
- HTML5 download Attribute Demos for the HTML5 download attribute on links.
- High DPI Canvas - HTML5 Rocks How to draw a canvas on a retina display
- Integrating input[type=”file”] with the Filesystem API - HTML5Rocks Updates Eric Bidelman shows how to combine the filesystem api’s ability to access folders with the input type file.
- Bruce Lawson’s personal site : Credit card, bank account numbers in HTML5 forms <input type=”text” inputmode=”numeric” autocomplete=”cc-number”> and a ton more types coming.
- Shaun Inman // Automatic Conditional Retina Images One line of JavaScript and a few mod_rewrite rules and we have no fuss Automatic Conditional Retina Images. No DOM crawling. No redundant requests. No server-side scripts.
- doodlejump in html5 the classic iOS/Android game ‘doodlejump’ re-created in html5 .. with source!
- jq-idealforms Build responsive HTML 5 forms
- Complex Navigation Patterns for Responsive Design | Brad Frost Web Brad Frost shows the pros and cons of various navigations patterns
- SitePoint Podcast #176: Web Intents in Depth with Paul Kinlan - SitePoint interview with Mr. WebIntents Paul Kinlan (@paul_kinlan) about the Web Intents API
- Getting HTML5 Ready - ContentEditable : Remote Synthesis Explore the possibliities of conentEditable
- Ambient light sensors and CSS Media Queries A proposal for ambient light sensor media queries, sounds interesting and can lead to new design possibilities
- WebCamMesh – Webcam 3D Depth Map | CreativeJS demo that combines a little bit of everything: Three.js, getUserMedia(), Perlin Noise, and CSS3 Filters come together to make WebCamMesh
- Responsive Web Above The Fold | CSS-Tricks Chris Coyier eleborates on the new challanges of responsive design and ‘above the fold’
- c - Why is < faster than <=? - Stack Overflow is it really? find out…
- Polish Your Gems As Ruby developers, we often forget how good we have it. We’ve got a awesome library distribution system in Rubygems, we use a powerful and flexible language that just begs to be used for DSLs and a culture of open development and community improvement.
- Modular front-end code in Rails by Arjan van der Gaag Maintainable stylesheets of non-trivial size need a modular design — so much has been established by now. How can you incorporate this style of front-end coding in a typical Rails application?
- Building Web Apps with Active Admin | REVERB Active Admin isn’t solely for backend admin interfaces, it can be ‘a great framework for building the customer facing part’ of webapps to
- pry to the rescue super-fast, painless, debugging for the (ruby) masses
- Firefox 15 available to download, finally fixes add-on memory leak | ExtremeTech finally!
- Chromium 23, CodeMirror Editing and a flag for CSS Exclusions « Peter Beverloo Lots of things landed in Chromium 23, read on…
- #AltDevBlogADay » Using Chrome://tracing to view your inline profiling data Colt McAnlis on how to use chrome://tracing
- PythonBooks - Learn Python the easy way ! The best free Python resources
- Mobile Apps: HTML5 vs Native some toughts on native vs. html5 apps in regard to the recent native Facebook app.
- algorithm - Lazy Evaluation and Time Complexity - Stack Overflow How can
minimum = head . sort
be O(n)? - Radical Thoughts | Dayley Agile is agile still radical?
- 20 controversial programming opinions « Programmers Stack Exchange Blog The top 20 answers to Jon Skeet’s “What’s your most controversial programming opinion?”
- Why is Clean Code suggesting avoiding protected variables? - Programmers asked on
- TCP Port Scanner in Bash - good coders code, great reuse Go Bash, go!!
- Web Performance Power Tool: HTTP Archive (HAR) - Ilya Grigorik shows how to analyse HAR files
- Unpatched Java Vulnerability Exploited in Targeted Attacks, Researchers Say | PCWorld Business Center Attackers are exploiting a new and unpatched vulnerability that affects the latest version of Java
- The MongoDB NoSQL Database Blog, MongoDB 2.2 Released with lots of new features and performance improvements
- Make The Web Fast - The HAR Show: Capturing and Analyzing performance data with HTTP Archive format - YouTube Need a flexible format to record, export, and analyze network performance data? Well, that’s exactly what the HTTP Archive format (HAR) is designed to do!
- Rich Hickey: Deconstructing the Database - YouTube Rich Hickey presents a new way to look at database architectures
- What the #$%@ is UX Design? - YouTube A mixture between minute physics and prezi style presentation explains what User eXperience is
- Fun Programming 120 Videos for learning creative programming
- Functional Programming for… the Object Oriented Programmer
- The Non Breaking Space Show Non Breaking Space is a show where we’ll seek out the best, brightest and smartest people on the web and talk to them about how and why they do what they do.
- CODING.FM The sound of coding
- How to Give (Negative) Feedback Effectively Dos and Donts on how to give feedback
- How to Secure your Dropbox Account with 2-Step Verification Dropbox introduced 2 step authentification, just like Google
- River ( Keep a programming journal. — Gist on writing toughts down - physically
- Principles of User Interface Design 20 principles - easy to understand
- Lobsters a hackernews alternative
- Concetto 2012 Play SuperMario to navigate this site
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