This week two projects turned 1.0, normalize.css and goliath.
- Javascript Fundamentals: Development for Absolute Beginners | Channel 9
- square/cane
Fails your build if code quality thresholds are not met. - AngularJS and the Goodfilms mobile site - Part 1 - Bad films are bad
- Automating Unit Tests | Blog | Sencha
- Nipster! npm search tool for Node.js
- When milliseconds are not enough: - HTML5Rocks Updates
Libraries && Tools
- jQuery Blog » jQuery 1.8 Released
- What's New in jQuery 1.8 - SitePoint
- Sketch.js - Simple Canvas-based Drawing for jQuery
- ai/visibility.js
- Circle Hover Effects with CSS Transitions
- Sass 3.2.0 released
- CSS Style Guides | CSS-Tricks
- CSS Masking
- Normalize.css - v1.0.0
- fantasai 54: Evolution of CSS Layout: 1990s to the Future
- WebRTC is almost here, and it will change the web | VentureBeat
- A Primer on Responsive Design | UX Magazine
- Media Query Snippets - list of media queries
- cjdsie/wirefy
Wirefy is a responsive wireframe boilerplate for rapidly experimenting with layouts to create the best user experience. - The Many Faces of ‘Mobile First’ | Brad Frost Web
- Glazing ribbon screensaver effect in HTML5 canvas
- Dazed Digital - Field Project
- [datalist] for range/color inputs offer some default choices - HTML5Rocks Updates
- The Evolution of the Web
- Behind the scenes: visualizing the evolution of the web - Google Developers Blog
- Bezier Sim · CodePen
- postrank-labs/goliath - v1.0
- RubySource | Narihiro Nakamura: Ruby’s GC InnovatorRubySource
- 065 RR Functional vs Object Oriented Programming with Michael Feathers
- Plinq/big_spoon
Adds before and after hooks to any method, because that's just how things should be - Haskell-like list comprehensions in Ruby — Gist
- pcpratts/rootbeer1
The Rootbeer GPU Compiler makes it easy to use Graphics Processing Units from within Java.
- HBase FuzzyRowFilter: Alternative to Secondary Indexes « Sematext Blog
- Designing MongoDB Schemas with Embedded, Non-Embedded and Bucket Structures | OpenShift by Red Hat
- The problem with Vim
- VimGolf - Prime Numbers
- Ymacs – An Emacs-like editor for the Web
- Vim Touch - Android Apps on Google Play
- gregsexton/gitv
gitk like plugin for vim / fugutive
- maccman/go
Go is a super simple Sinatra URL shortener for use behind the firewall.
- nsf/gocode
An autocompletion daemon for the Go programming language - 10 practices of highly ineffective software developers - Computerworld
- The Clean Architecture | 8th Light
- #AltDevBlogADay » Floating-point complexities
- The Gang of Four is wrong and you don't understand delegation - Saturn Flyer with Jim Gay
- The Art Of Staying Up To Date | Smashing Magazine
- The Curiosity Rover Nuclear Battery Explained To All
- Running Dart in the Cloud with Heroku | Seth Ladd's Blog
- How to crawl a quarter billion webpages in 40 hours | DDI
- Arms Trade
WebGL visualization of small arms and amunition trade
- GeeCON 2012: Kevlin Henney - Cool Code on Vimeo
- Lang.NEXT 2012 | Channel 9 - Videos now online
- Cube Drone - Automated Testing & Inversion of Control - YouTube
- Keynote GOTO: Rich Hickey - The Value of Values
- Skills Matter : The London Clojure Community:Functional comp
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