After a two weeks’ absence of Interesting Thingys another issue of this beloved serie with tons of great links:
- jQuery Blog » jQuery 1.9 and 2.0 — TL;DR Edition
- Build a Phone-controlled Robot Using Arduino and Twilio
- Asynchronous programming and continuation-passing style in JavaScript
- jQuery Blog » The New Sizzle
- Try It Quiet
A complete talk without a word. Rob Conery - Real World NodeJS - Creating the Tekpub API on Vimeo - Hardening node.js for production part 2: using nginx to avoid node.js load | Arg! Team Blog
- Grunt
is a task-based command line build tool for JavaScript projects.
- Beefing Up Dull Text in WebKit | CSS-Tricks
- The open/closed principle applied to CSS — CSS Wizardry—CSS, Web Standards, Typography, and Grids by Harry Roberts
- HTML5 Sortable
- HTML5 elements in Internet Explorer without Javascript - de Betere Vormgever
- An alternative to select elements as navigation in narrow viewports | 456 Berea Street
- HTML5 Canvas Particles Web Matrix | CSSDeck
- Databinding UI Elements with IndexedDB - HTML5 Rocks
- The History of HTML5 |
- Ruby Quiz on Application Form: Ruby on Rails Developer, London
- BroadcastingAdam - Advanced Caching in Rails: Revised
- Zendesk - The Road to 1.9 -
- Five Things You Didn't Know Your Documentation Tool Could Do
- schani/clojurec
A Clojure implementation on top of C
- Chris Granger - Light Table Playground Levels Up
- Vim, you complete me
- Emacs on Android tablet
- Chrome Web Store - Ninja Authoring Tool
- A better way to store password hashes?
- QuicklyChat
- Color Wheels are wrong? How color vision actually works by @ASmartBear
- Software Inventory - Joel on Software
- Trello is now 500,000 strong | Trello Blog
- Coding Horror: Coding Horror: The Book
- TLDRLegal - Software Licenses Summarized in Plain English
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