This week some Interesting Thingys from CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, and much more.
- Vim Clutch
Give Vim a pedal to speed up your typing
- I can’t believe I’m praising Tcl
- How to write a good bug report - Noverse
- 50 Web Developer Documentation Manuals You Need To Know About
- Falsehoods programmers believe about time: Noah Sussman: Infinite Undo
This is kind of a fun one, at least as long as it does not happen to you.
- Eric's Archived Thoughts: Combining ‘nth-of-type()’ With Negation
- Photon | CSS 3D Lighting Engine
- 3D Thumbnail Hover Effects
- Debunking Responsive CSS Performance Myths -
- Pull Request #2370: Allow dashes in identifiers, mangle them. by paulmillr · jashkenas/coffee-script
- Backbone Aura by addyosmani
- highlight.js
- SeuratJS - A Raphaël plugin for creating beautiful pointilized animations.
- Backbone UI
- javascript - Why are my balls disappearing? - Stack Overflow
- Introduction to JavaScript |
- Myron Marston » RSpec's New Expectation Syntax
- Removing config.threadsafe! | Tenderlovemaking
- ruby++: Ubuntu 12.04 Ruby on Rails Development Environment
- fredwu/api_taster
A quick and easy way to visually test out your Rails application’s API. - ruby-talks/talks
now your ruby and command-line tools can talk with you