yield the dog

Interesting Thingys #8

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Interesting Thingys is a gazette in the blog that summarizes a week of blog articles, links, specifications, demos, news or more general “thingys” that we stumble upon in our journey through the world wide web.

Mobile Development

  • Sencha Touch - a HTML5 Mobile Application Framework, version 2.0 released.



  • airscape - Very addicting (& rotating) HTML5 Game.

Ruby / Rails / ASP MVC

  • mass-assignment vulnerability - Article about Mass-Assignment Vulnerability in Rails (“Github got hacked!”) .. Und why other web frameworks are “vulnarable” to this weakness too.
  • unwind - GEM: take a url and figure out what it actually points to .. Useful for all this t.co/bit.ly/etc URLs


  • html2canvas - Take a screenshot from a webpage.
  • smooth.js - Library for smooth array functions, like interpolation, nearest neighbour, linear, cubic, etc .. Neat!

Webserver / Databases


  • PHP 5.4.0 released! - New features: traits, shortened array syntax & a built-in webserver for testing!.

Team Building


Command Line

  • tmux - screen is dead, long live tmux!
  • curl - tips’n’tricks.

Useful Stuff

Fun / Interesting
