Interesting Thingys is a gazette in the blog that summarizes a week of blog articles, links, specifications, demos, news or more general “thingys” that we stumble upon in our journey through the world wide web.
- presentation frameworks - using javascript + css3
- web-worker in HTML5 - Old but still worthy to read:
- scale to mobile browser - Short description of “viewport” meta tag und how mobile-browser scale
- absolute beginners guide to bit shifting - Stack Overflow answer to a Bit-Shifting question..
- visualize ssh attacks - Little tutorial how to visualize SSH-Attacks.
- Ruby/Rails Patterns of Github
- github got hacked! - Short “How to” that describes how Egor Homakov (watch the image on the right) “hacked” Github (Rails know-how needed)
- CoffeeScript meets Physics
- CoffeeScript meets Physics 2
- tower.js - A web stack framework for NodeJS (with CoffeeScript, Jasmine, Stylus .. Plus MongoDB & Redis).
- shrinkwrap - How to manage node.js dependencies using Shrinkwrap
- radio - Library for Pub/Sub in Javascript… (the observer pattern).
- subwav - Web Based IRC Client
- Unix Tools: cat
- Article about the new Firefox Developer Tools
- Data Visualization in WebApps (Presentation)
- makring of SharyPic for iphone) - Nice Article about the design process fof an iPhone App (Example used: SharyPic App.