Interesting Thingys is a gazette in the blog that summarizes a week of blog articles, links, specifications, demos, news or more general “thingys” that we stumble upon in our journey through the world wide web.
- - Explore html5 features (categories: supported by browsers, use with caution, fallbacks, polyfills, …)
- boilerstrap - Template for HTML5Boilerplate and Twitters Bootstrap CSS (+modernizr, js compression, coffeescript support, sass, less)… Plus rake-tasks.
- hype - Interesting editor (GUI) for HTML5/CSS3 Keyframe animations & animated content… (sorry: mac only)
- Shinydemos - New html5 showcase by opera.
Android + iOS
- photopickerplus - free Cross Platform Photopicker Library .. “pick photo from your favorite photo services, not just from your locally stored ones”
- sequencejs - Nice jQuery Slider (with parallax effect).
- ace - Sinatra-style framework for node appications
- EpicEditor - A live Markdown Editor in Javascript
- recommendify - Recommendation engine in ruby & redis .. Something like “user that viewed this video also likes…”
- i told you it was private - A ruby module for “really private methods”…
- github recommendation service - Discover new github repos based on watcher relationships.
- what is scrum?! - Long article about “what is scrum?” and how to apply it
- Server-side MVC Frameworks will die for client-side apps .. apparently.
- Bash scripts - in 10 seconds… or minutes… or…
- vimbits - upvote/downvote site for vimrc tips’n’tricks.
- accessmaincomputerfile - A visual study of computer GUI in cinema
- social-apps - The new social app: “scares off ghosts” & “hipster-optimised” :)