Interesting Thingys is a gazette in the blog that summarizes a week of blog articles, links, specifications, demos, news or more general “thingys” that we stumble upon in our journey through the world wide web.
Android (+Ruby)
- Ruby on Android device via Ruboto - … a little tutorial.
Mobile Development / Industry
- Article about Instagram - why they do not offer an Android App.
- turnjs - Page-Turn animation for HTML.
- event-binding with jquery - bind(), live(), delegate() & on() … event-binding with jQuery: differences, pitfalls and performance killer.
- modernizr Supercharged - v2.5 released!.
- tty.js - A terminal for your browser (node.js,, express).
- Ruby trick shots - 24 Ruby tricks you did not know about… Nice!.
- try redis! - Redis is a key-value store for advanced data structure like strings, hashes, lists, sets, etc .. Try it in your browser!.
- “The Redis Manifesto” - Statement about Redis and Software Development: “code is like a poem” & “we optimize for joy”.
- visualize git-log - in a calendar-view (& excel).
- podcasts for hackers - List of programming/startup specific podcasts.
- programming anecdotes from game developers
- “How to fly a Soyuz Space Capsule” - … a developer should be able to do that! ;).